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Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy


June 2024 – Central Nervous System and Proprioception

February 2024 – Repetitive Strain Injury

October 2023 – Autumn & Winter Good Health

September 2023 – Resolve Knee Pain with Osteopathy

May 2023 – Revision & Exam Stress Tension

March 2023 – Ready, Steady, Go!

January 2023 – Osteopathy for Health and Well Being

November 2022 – Osteopathy and Stretching

October 2022 – Cycling Aches & Pains and how Osteopathy can Help

September 2022 – What is a Slipped Disc?

July 2022 – Osteopathy for your Holiday

June 2022 – Summer Health Tips

May 2022 – Exam Revision and Postural Tension

March 2022 – What to do if you Twist Your Ankle

February 2022 – Do You Suffer from Neck Pain?

November 2021 – Winter Health & Nutrition

October 2021 – How Osteopathy Can Help Children

August 2021 – Put Your Best Foot Forward

July 2021 – Osteopathy for Better Health

March 2021 – Spring is Here

February 2021 – Keep Moving

December 2020 – Osteopathy for the Whole Family

October 2020 – Adaptability is Key to Survive & Thrive

August 2020 – Home Working

June 2020 – The Practice is Re-Opening Full-Time

Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy – The Practice is Re-Opening Full-Time

Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy – Urgent & Emergency Appointments

May 2020 – Keeping Well

April 2020 – Lockdown Stretch & Exercise

Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy – How To Keep Well During Social Distancing

Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy – Important Practice Update

March 2020 – Coronavirus COVID-19

February 2020 – Training for the London Marathon?

January 2020 – Nurture yourself to Well Being

November 2019 – Suffering from a Cricked Neck?

October 2019 – Halloween Trick or Treat

September 2019 – Healthy Ageing

August 2019 – Structural & Cranial Osteopaths for the Whole Family

July 2019 – Osteopathy a Way to Better Health

June 2019 – Osteopathy for Headaches

May 2019 – Anyone For Tennis?

April 2019 – Pregnancy and Osteopathy

March 2019 – What is Sciatica?

January 2019 – Fresh Start

December 2018 – Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

November 2018 – Does Mental Stress Cause Back Pain?

September 2018 – Routine Is Good For you

August 2018 – Pack For Success

July 2018 – Exercise and Why it is Good for You

April 2018 – How to Help Painful Feet

March 2018 – How to use your tablet ergonomically

January 2018 – Greater Fitness for Better Health

December 2017 – Are you feeling tired?

November 2017 – Osteopathy for Children

October 2017 – Do You Suffer from Neck Pain?

September 2017 – What is Good Posture?

August 2017 – Spinal Health this Summer

June 2017 – World Osteopathy Day 22nd June

May 2017 – Active Sitting and Health

April 2017 – The Importance of Stretching After Exercise

March 2017 – Marathon Training

February 2017 – Do you suffer from elbow pain?

January 2017 – Self-care for Health

Christmas 2016 Opening Hours

November 2016 – How To Beat those Winter Blues

October 2016 – The Power of Walking

September 2016 – The Importance of Good Footwear

July 2016 – Summer Health Tips

June 2016 – Stress Awareness

May 2016 – The Osteopathic Profession needs your Feedback!

April 2016 – Spring Fitness

February 2016 – Good Posture

January 2016 – New Year Healthy Lifestyle

Christmas 2015 Opening Times

December 2015 – What is low back pain?

November 2015 – Do you Suffer from Tablet Postural Slump?

October 2015 – Autumn Wellbeing

September 2015 – Autumn Diet Advice

July 2015 – Tips for a Healthy Summer

May 2015 – Repetitive Strain Injury

March 2015 – Lifting Techniques

February 2015 – Winter Spinal Aches and Pains

January 2015 – The Motto for 2015 is ‘Awareness’

December 2014 – Importance of Hydration and Christmas Opening Hours

November 2014 – Stretches, Facebook and Twitter

October 2014 – Gardening & Lifting Postures

September 2014 – Stress and Pain

July 2014 – Summer Holiday Tips to Avoid Back Pain

May 2014 – Postural Tension Fatigue

April 2014 – Easter Opening Times

March 2014 – LapTop Computers – How to set up Ergonomically

January 2014 – New Year Resolutions and How to Calculate your BMI

December 2013 – Christmas Opening Times

November 2013 – Looking after Your Feet

October 2013 – Autumn Gardening Tips

September 2013 – Cycling Posture

June 2013 – Osteopathic Soft Tissue Massage

April 2013 – Preventing Injury Whilst Lifting

March 2013 – Running and Marathon Training

January 2013 – Happy New Year

December 2012 – Christmas Opening Times

November 2012 – Vitamin D Deficiency

October 2012 – Management of Ankle and Foot Pain

June 2012 – How to Manage Non-Specific Neck and Shoulder Pain

February 2012 – What to Do Immediately After an Injury

November 2011 – The Practice is Now on Facebook

May 2011 – Top Tips on How to Use Your Computer Ergonomically at Home

February 2011 – How to Help Winter Postural Tension

Autumn 2010 – What Causes Headaches?

June 2010 – Practice News

February 2010 – What Foods are Helpful For Our Joints?

August 2009 – Foot and Calf Pain

May 2009 – Sports Injury Treatment & Rehabilitation

January 2009 – What is Cranial Osteopathy?

November 2008 – Nutrition Tips: Glucosamine Supplements

Autumn 2008 – How Muscles Work

December 2007 – New Year Resolutions and How to Calculate your BMI(pdf)

June 2007 – Postural Tension & How to Sit Correctly(pdf)

February 2007 – Skiing Injury(pdf)

Autumn 2006 – What is Osteopathy? Nutrition Tips(pdf)

Summer 2006 – Low Back Stretches(pdf)

Spring 2006 – Gardening Tips and Nutrition Tips(pdf)