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Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy

Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy – June 2020

June 2020 Newsletter

We are Getting Back to ‘Normal’

Having begun a phased re-opening in May we are now moving towards opening the clinic full-time from 1st July.

This is great news because I know that many of you are waiting for your appointments and it will be wonderful to see you all again.  We can now treat non-urgent cases so please do get in touch and book your appointment today.

In line with PHE and our governing bodies’ advice we have implemented strict Infection Control protocols and this means that:

– The day before your appointment you will be telephoned with a screening triage questionnaire to ensure that you fulfil our criteria on being able to attend the practice.  We reserve the right to postpone your visit at any time should we feel that it is not appropriate for you to attend.

– Your Osteopath will be wearing PPE in the form of scrubs, apron, gloves, face mask and eye protection.

– You will be required to wear a sterile fluid-resistant surgical face mask supplied at cost by ourselves for the entire duration of your appointment.

– There is no waiting area – we kindly ask patients to wait in their car until the exact time of their appointment.  This gives us time to disinfect the practice between each patient. At the time of your appointment just ring the buzzer as normal.

– There is no access to the bathroom facilities.  To keep the clinic sterile we have to reduce all points of contact within the practice.

Please be reassured that we have taken the safety of you, our patients and our Osteopaths as top priority.

For those of you who are in the Clinically Extremely Vulnerable category and those who have underlying health conditions or concerns about attending the practice in person, we are still providing Video Consultation appointments.  I understand the reserve that some people feel about a Video Consultation and yes, they work in a different way to hands-on therapy but can be highly effective.

Here are some testimonials from patients who have been treated via Video Consultation:

“I was doubtful that a video consultation would work but it was remarkable how effective it was. My Osteopath seemed to be able to see knots in the muscle as clearly as she can feel them in a normal consultation. Don’t suffer – have a video consultation!” EB Teddington 

“Thank goodness I’ve discovered how osteopathic video consultation can help keep me pain free and moving again.  After 10 weeks of lockdown and without my Osteopath’s amazing  talent and expertise my body decided enough was enough. One day I could hardly get out of bed and walk down the stairs. But following just one video consultation (assisted by my husband) I’m able to do everything I want to again. I couldn’t believe how easily and skilfully my Osteopath diagnosed my issues, clearly communicated what needed to be done and enabled an extremely successful outcome all by Video. I shall now return to my regular fortnightly appointments just without the drive to Teddington for the time being !”  PB Thames Ditton

“I suffer from an arthritic ankle and would normally see my Osteopath on a regular basis (pre-Covid-19). Since the lockdown I have been struggling to walk without pain as each week passed and finally could not manage the pain anymore/ I therefore called to organise a video consultation with my wife acting as my Osteopath’s proxy hands.
We used Video call to show the damaged area and my Osteopath was able to instruct my wife really effectively in order to manipulate the ankle in much the same way as if the Osteopath had been doing the manipulation herself. It worked extremely well and I’m pleased to say that the session was a great success and made a significant change to my pain levels and ankle mobility and I can now walk around the golf course again. My Osteopath was also careful not to over-tax my wife’s hands, taking care to ensure she did not over tire herself during the session.” MR Thames Ditton

So, please, if you are vulnerable do contact us for some help.  We can keep you going through this difficult time so that you don’t suffer at home because you have concerns about Face-to-Face appointments.

In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you all, be it in the clinic or via Video Consultation. 

Kind regards,

Advice on attending your appointment

Please do keep in touch with us on Facebook and find us at

There you will find stretches which will be helpful during this time.

This one is fantastic to do!

Please remember that Carragh, Mark, Katie, Leah and Rosie are all available for telephone consultations.  If you have any queries or worries, do not hesitate to get in touch via email at and one of us will call you.


Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us for any reason, we are here to help and welcome any feedback. Click here for more information.