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Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy

Kingston & Teddington Osteopathy – March 2023

March 2023 Newsletter

Ready, Steady, Go!

Spring is here… finally!

It is time to get out there, get walking, get running and get fit.

As your Osteopaths, we are treating patients with end of winter postural tension and related aches and pains.  With the arrival of Spring, we are encouraging everyone to get moving again.

The secret after a long winter is to take it steady and build your exercise up in increments – this will help you to avoid injury.

Kind regards,

How to Exercise Without Injury


To exercise without injury, it is important to tune into your body and be mindful and aware of how you are feeling.

Start any exercise with a gentle warm up – walking or a slow jog to begin with.  Gradually pick up the pace once you feel that warmed up, looser feeling in your body.

A lot of injury can come from repetitive overuse of the same muscles and joints.  To avoid this, add in different pace to your exercise and vary it.  For example, in the gym move around to different exercise machines to avoid overusing one muscle group.  When running, try interval training – run faster for a few minutes and then slow down for a minute to a jog or walk.

If you feel any cramp, pain, soreness or twinge, stop!  Never keep on exercising through the pain because you might be doing further damage and this will slow down your healing process.

Are you Training for the Marathon?

With 5 weeks to go, you will be well on your way with your training regime.

The increase in mileage at this point means that  we often see patients at this stage of marathon training.   Osteopaths can help keep your joints and muscles in good functioning order to cope with this increase in impact.

To avoid injury, be flexible with your training schedule and listen to your body.  Don’t push yourself too hard on the longer runs – you should feel tired but not wiped out.

Good Footwear is Essential

If you are training, walking or running, good footwear is key.

How old are your trainers or walking boots?  Think of the amount of use they have had and replace them.  They may look in good condition but injury often occurs with older footwear.

If you have aches & pain, please contact us!

Don’t wait, just call the clinic and come in and we will be able to diagnose the problem


If you would like more information on how Osteopathy can help, please contact us.


You can email or call 02089776396

Click the link for our website:



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